Why Radio? We reflect on how using audio only through radio and podcasting allows us as Autistic People to express our “voices” Join us for an Authentic Conversation. Every Sunday Spectrum Voices Autistic-Radio https://www.facebook.com/AutisticRadioCom/...
Realisation and identifying autistic nature personally is different to openly disclosing. We discuss our choices. They might be different from yours. Let Your Network Find US THANKS 🙂PostEmailLike this:Like...
Strategies For life`s Practicalities. The utility company appointment or the letter to the government department dealing with communication differences. Join us for an Authentic Conversation. Every Sunday Spectrum Voices Autistic-Radio...
Autscape.org is established as the model of an autistically organised conference and residential festival. Spectrum Voices discuss making an application to present in august 2023 The theme is Advocacy and Autonomy this year and AutisticRadio.com is all about voicing...
Autistic Networking Finding your community Spectrum Voices at AutisticRadio.com share thoughts about their current experiences Join us for an Authentic Conversation. Every Sunday Spectrum Voices Autistic-Radio https://www.facebook.com/AutisticRadioCom/ Let Your...
Loneliness and isolation are part of life for many of us. Researcher Christy Sandeberg joins us to offer opportunities to take positive action. Harry leads an in depth Spectrum Voices Conversation. Join us for an Authentic Conversation. Every Sunday Spectrum Voices...
Some thoughts on Employment. Past approaches used to help and some possibilities of change to include Autistic people in work environments. Let Your Network Find US THANKS 🙂PostEmailLike this:Like...
Who defines what Autism is? The group openly discusses Autism and Autistic identity and their discomfort with the choices presented by others. Let Your Network Find US THANKS 🙂PostEmailLike this:Like...
Late Late Diagnosis Show…. The Spectrum Voices group open up the subject of ”late diagnosis” The majority of autistic people in their middle and late ages are likely to be unaware of this important personal information. Let Your Network Find US THANKS...
The Radio Day Group- Have been busy. “On The Waiting list” with Richard Ibbotson recorded & edited “Late late Diagnosis Show” recorded & edited “Our story” planned, recording booked 14th August programme in production:...