• Spectrum Voices Live

  • Every Sunday 6PM UK

  • Raw

  • Live Authentic

  • And Edited into Podcasts



Our Story so Far

We are making steady slow continuous progress. We are not in a big hurry.

You can join us right at the start of the Autistic Radio Journey.

Sharing Our

Authentic Voices

We are creating

Listen Radio 

not Talk Radio

When we hear

each other

We Support

each other

Autistic Empathy

…..   This Broadcast isn’t Slick

It is “Autistically Authentic “

”  We Speak 

        …. Our Words 

  We Listen ….



Sign up Be informed 


Its early days in the development of You can get involved now at the beginning or you can get an alert when we are up and broadcasting. 

 If you have skills or an idea to offer you are welcome to influence the growth of at the germination stage of the seed.

Broadcasting Every Week  Reliably 2020 – 2024 !


Send your ideas direct to inspire us

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